Saturday, February 15, 2014

Welcome to the blog for Robert V. Clickner, Lic.Ac. (Licensed Acupuncturist) here in Charlottesville, VA!  This is a blog dedicated to sharing insights and information to help you in your search for health and healing.  Over the years I have come across many different things, many not commonly known, that have helped many people obtain better health.  I have always wanted to be able to share these things with a wider audience than just those who have come into my office for an appointment.  I have also wanted to have a resource for those who want to review something that was covered during their visit or to learn about something relating to a different health issue than we covered in clinic.

Over the years my research for answers to the health problems my patients were bringing me took me in many different directions.  I noticed, over time, that there was a quiet little voice inside me that would "speak up" when I came across something that I would find out later was important.  It reminded me of the description Socrates gave of the "inner voice" that guided him from childhood.  I was taught to trust and listen to that inner voice (which I believe comes from God) as it seemed to direct me towards certain things to learn about and study and away from other things.  It was always interesting to see how the new information or concept would come into play in clinic to help someone -- or many people.  Sometimes years go by between when I get the nudge to hold on to an idea or piece of information and when it is needed in clinic!  I often didn't know why I was given the nudge to hold on to something, but I knew enough to do so and it has been an adventure!
I plan to share ideas and insights across a wide range of topics related to health and I hope that over time I am able to provide you with something that will help you.  If you don't see what you are looking for in the blog, please contact me to let me know what you are looking for.  If you are not already a patient of mine and are interested in my services, please check out my website for more detailed information on my practice, including testimonials, and how to make an appointment.  Feel free to visit my Facebook page for more interesting health related posts.  Please share this blog with your friends and family who may also be looking for answers to their health concerns.  I will do my best to help them.

Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope that you enjoy it!

Bob Clickner, Lic.Ac.
P.S.  If you are interested in finding out more about how you can learn to follow that inner voice as I described above, go to Uplift with Dreams to find out about retreats and workshops that specifically teach this.  Each of us has this innate ability and only needs to be gradually shown how to use it accurately.  This process starts with studying your dreams and learning to understand what you are being shown through them.  Uplift With Dreams offers Dream Study retreats and workshops and more to give the seeker the knowledge and experience they need to become proficient in this ancient art form.

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